Information / / 2023. 11. 24. 10:09

586th generation meaning, MZ generation meaning, and characteristics


Recently, when you come across social and political news, you can often see the term 586 generation. I don't know the detailed meaning, but I can roughly know which generation it is referring to. As a new culture emerges and settled over time, a new word for the generation of that time comes into being. In the past, there were various new words such as Generation X, New Generation N, and now MZ.

So what generation does the 586 generation specifically mean? I'll look into it through this post.

What is the 586th generation?
The 586th generation refers to the current 50s who were born in the 1960s and were in college in the 80s.

The 586 generation refers to a generation of Korea who led the democratization movement and worked in the movement. 8 and 6 are the number of students and year of birth

It means that. Now that it is used in a broad sense, it would be easy to understand if you think it means people born in the 1960s.

In the current political world, there is a debate focusing on which generation suffered the most and which generation benefited the most. In the current regime, the ratio of people in their 50s and 60s is quite high. That's why some say young leaders should lead politics. Among the words referring to generation, the generation that attracts attention along with the 586 generation is the MZ generation.

What is Generation MZ?
Generation MZ is a term that combines millennials born from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s + Generation Z. On average, it refers to people in their 20s and early 30s. On the one hand, it's been argued since the 1980s, but then it broadens the scope of the MZ generation and refers to the generation in their 20s and 30s, which are the people of today.

With the spread of computers and the development of IT, it can be said that it is a generation that is familiar with the digital environment and plays an important role in society. As the values of life change according to social changes, it can be seen that generational conflicts and confrontations are prominent due to their characteristics. If the 586 generation, the activist generation, values community and learns and expands on their own, conflicts will inevitably arise because the MZ generation values individual rights and opportunities, is sensitive to injustice, and wants clear and systematic instructions.

Generation 586 and MZ
Usually, 586 generation and MZ generation are 1 generation different. It's about 30 years. The degree of relationship between parents and children. As such, there is a stark difference between the two generations and a love-hate relationship. Naturally, the older generation, the 586th generation, and the current trend center, clearly have something that the MZ generation does not understand each other. The MZ generation may think that the 586 generation is a kkondae, and the 586 generation, on the other hand, may feel pathetic or unsatisfied with their consumption culture or attitude toward life when looking at the MZ generation.

There is no right answer to this. Naturally, the times in which the two generations lived are so different, and the values accordingly are inevitably different. Nevertheless, what is certain is that the two generations are inseparable from the position of forming society through a relationship between parents and children, and that they have to embrace each other.

The reason why the conflict between these two generations is not narrowing is because of their lack of understanding of each other. Adults are more familiar and comfortable with type than using digital devices. With the emergence of books to understand the MZ generation these days, we can also see that social and cultural changes and adaptations take place quickly.

Lastly, I'll summarize it briefly. The 586 generation means the current 50s who were born in the 60s. And you can understand that the MZ generation means those in their late teens and early 30s who have entered society.

Today, we looked at the 586th generation, which is a political term, and the relationship with the MZ generation, and I hope it will be an information article that can be easily understood by those who are curious. We will post a lot of various and informative information in the future.


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